Carol Singing
Outside Clovenfords Hotel
Monday 20 December 2021
7 pm
The annual carol singing will go ahead, with a few adjustments due to the current Covid restrictions. Attendees are requested, wherever possible, to take a lateral flow test before attending but please do not attend if you have or are showing any symptoms of Covid.
This will be an outdoor event whatever the weather. A covering will be arranged so that the musicians can still play but all attendees are requested to bring their own umbrella, if needed.
Attendees will be invited to collect a song sheet from the boxes provided and are requested to return them to the box at the end of the event.Mulled wine/hot chocolate/mince pies will still be served but this will be outside using takeaway cups. Please put all rubbish in the bins provided.
Attendees are asked to social distance as much as possible.Santa will still be attending and youngest children will be invited to approach him first.Song sheets and presents will have been self isolating for 48 hours!!
Whilst we regret having to outline the requirements to hold the event, it is done so that we can try and make it as enjoyable as possible, given the current circumstances. Having said all that, we hope you come along and enjoy the evening.
Clovenfords & District Community Council